Mission, Vision, values

Business strategy and mission statement concept. The words mission, vision and values in intersecting circles. 3D render.


At Dhooge’s Mobile Auto Service, our mission is to provide convenient and affordable automotive services to consumers and businesses with fleets, while maintaining a strong focus on value, reputation, and quality service. We are committed to community outreach and training to support the needs of our customers and the community.


At Dhooge’s Mobile Auto Service, we are dedicated to providing compassionate Mobile Auto Service and Repair while empowering consumers and nurturing the next generation of skilled automotive technicians.


The values, actions, beliefs, and procedures that form the cornerstone of our company are explained below.  

  1. Put God First – Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
    – Matthew 6:33 NLT
  2. Possess Integrity – Make a commitment to acting morally in all of your choices and actions. Be steadfast in your resolve to always do the right thing. Admit your mistakes, provide an apology, develop from them, and own up to them.
  3. Dedication – Keep your word on everything you’ve committed to, including meetings, appointments, and being on time for work. Follow through on your commitments. Inform everyone involved and come to an agreement on a new commitment if you are unable to fulfill your original one.
  4. Reputation Matters – Never deviate from the principle of doing what is best for your client. Always prioritize the demands of your consumers and act morally in all of your daily transactions.
  5. This is a Team Effort – Be prepared to assist and encourage one another as colleagues. Personal agendas have no place at Dhooge’s Mobile Auto Service. Always act in the best interests of the team as a whole and be a reliable teammate. If necessary, be prepared to step up and assist a colleague to secure both your own and their success.
  6. First Impressions are Important – A voicemail, email, letter, or phone call can all convey initial impressions. Be positive in all of your interactions and transactions. Always be kind, amiable, and supportive of others.
  7. We Listen to our Customers – Never allow anything else divert your focus from your consumers; always offer them your full attention. Ask questions, pay attention, be in the moment, and refrain from passing judgment. Pay attention to your consumers’ demands and concerns.
  8. Quality Workmanship – Do it correctly the first time, verify your work twice, and make sure that quality, not quantity, is your aim. Always do exceptional, never do good. Everything you do counts. Make it your mission to accomplish it correctly the first time; our experience speaks for itself. We have an obligation to live up to the expectation that we are the greatest auto repair company in the neighborhood.
  9. Work with Passion – Be enthusiastic about what you do and make the most of the time you have each day. Be involved. Every task you undertake should be approached with excitement, urgency, focus, and energy.  
  10. Set Clear Expectations – By being transparent with your consumers and establishing expectations up front, you can prevent misunderstandings. In every conversation you have, be clear and discuss tasks, deadlines, and obligations.
  11. Be Honest – Always express yourself clearly, be open to working together, ask questions, offer ideas, voice concerns, and be forward-thinking. Directly communicate your issues to your teammates or individuals who are impacted by them, but do it in a constructive way. Always be devoted to our clients and respect honesty. Be honest and open at all times; even if you are at fault, take responsibility for your errors.
  12. Be Respectful – Show the highest respect for people and their issues. Put yourself in your clients’ position and truly comprehend their issues, problems, and annoyances. Try to understand their point of view and provide whatever solution you can to satisfy their wants.
  13. Respond Timely and Effectively – Every day, give it your all and promptly address any queries or worries raised by your clients, whether they are communicated by phone, email, text, or in person. Provide regular, clear communication and keep your clients informed about the condition of their vehicles.
  14. Keep a Positive Outlook – The tone of your day can be determined by your mood, so make it a point to be upbeat and energetic. Be uplifting and infectious with your happy vibes. You possess the ability to maintain an optimistic outlook; make advantage of it.
  15. Keep on Learning – The most successful people never stop learning new things. Seize every chance to learn more, develop your professional abilities, and become an authority in your sector. Share your research with individuals in your vicinity, and use your dedication to learning and serving others to help them develop and find fulfillment.
  16. Personal Appearance Matters – Your feelings are greatly influenced by your appearance. Be proud of your work, keep your beard clean, and dress well and professionally every day. This also applies to our vans and work spaces; if you notice anything untidy or unprofessional, take responsibility for rectifying it.
  17. Respect Others – As your mother used to say, don’t say anything at all if you can’t say anything kind. Regardless of your beliefs or perspectives, treat others with respect and honor their values and beliefs. Be kind and empathetic in all of your interactions.
  18. Be Responsible – Assume responsibility for completing your work and take pride in all you do. No matter how difficult the situation may be, learn to be resourceful and take initiative to finish the job without using excuses or crutches. Work hard on every task and see it through to the end. Be extremely meticulous and proofread your work after each task. Ask your peers for advice if you’re unsure how to proceed. Don’t be a victim and accept full responsibility for your own achievement. 
  19. Always Think Safety – Nothing is more crucial than ensuring the safety of both you and our clients. In the future, consider the significance of our work and our duty to ensure the safety of our clients. Be a safety enthusiast and make sure you keep yourself safe at work while explicitly informing customers about dangerous vehicles.
  20. Embrace Change – Accept change; nothing stays the same for very long. The more quickly you can adjust, the easier it will be to adjust.  Growth, opportunity, and education are the benefits of change.  Accept change instead of avoiding it.
  21. Have Fun – Finally, don’t forget to have fun and appreciate life. Life is too brief to be overly serious. Be upbeat, amiable, and supportive of your teammates. We are a continuation of your family; we enjoy ourselves, we joke about, we are laid back, and we are always eager to assist others in reaching their professional and personal objectives.